Is Religion Bullshit?!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Suffer From Insanity?!

I Don’t Suffer From Insanity, I Enjoy Every FUCKIN' Minute Of It! 【◣.◢】™


Everyone is FUCKIN' insane in their own way.

There are lots of people in this world, who believe in a

invisible old man in the sky, "the all powerful and all knowing".

And If you make a bad mistake, this invisible old fart will torture you in hell

for eternity but he LOVES you !!! LOL

Now that's some insane shit but most people just just call it "Faith in GOD".
I call it "Faith in Bullshit".

I'm a simple stupid guy, if you want me to believe in something.
Just prove it!!!

I'm open minded to reason but god damn it,
don't give me a fairy tale book "bible" and tell me that's the word of god.
I've read most of the bible and my god it's FUCKIN'
full of contradicting bullshit.

Honestly it's not just the bible that is insanely bullshit.
I think all religion
and philosophy has its own bullshit.

In fact, what I'm writing to you on this blog can be insanely bullshit. o_O'

"Insanity is within all of us... some just really good at FUCKIN' hiding it."

